
Friday, August 12, 2005 

Weird Dreams...

I had really strange dreams last night... Dreamt that Bunny, Scotti & I had gone to New Orleans for a festival but it wasn't for Mardi Gras. It was Voodoo Fest or something, I'm not really sure. For whatever reason we walking around Jackson Square, which is where all of the tarrot readers were hanging & Bunny pointed out one that looked exactly like David Bowie. We were totally fascinated & decided to have him read our cards & our palms. I'm kinda weirded out because in my dream this guy read my palm & told me that I was entirely too judgemental. He also told me things about other people in my life that I haven't really thought about in while & told me things about my life that haven't happened yet but I've thought about.
What does this mean?!?

What is most vivid is that I had a dream about someone telling me that I need to remember who I am & what I am because I've done so much in my life to become this person & not be anything other than that. He reminded me that I was from an upper middle class family & kind of a snob but that's not who I am either. Said that I was almost where I need to be, if I could only let go & stop being so judgemental & critical of people because I'm a little demanding. I'm so confused & wondering what the hell this means?

Going to have to check out symbolism & dreams & find out what this means. It's kinda funny because I'm not a huge believer of astrology or psychics, however, my oldest sister & I have had our birth carts done by an Eastern Indian man, which was totally freaky & totally described us & our life. I've also had cards read @ a bachelorette party & my aura read by someone that was a little cray. I have a aunt that reads tea leaves too, which she has only done for me once. Ok, maybe it's interesting to me, a little. Something that you can't explain has always fascinated me.

I have to add that in my dream, David Bowie was a hottie!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 

Rational or Not?

Something really funny happened at work today. Well, it may only be funny to me becuase I've done this very same thing & more than once. I was walking past a co-workers office & was going to say hello when I noticed she had 3 credit cards on her desk, which she was cutting into tiny pieces. Her husband & her had just had an argument about money, so she was destorying her credit cards & had already shredded her check book. Sounds crazy I know but this so validates moments of insanity for me! I've done this before & my ex thought I was insane & just being a drama queen, which mabye I was a little of both but still!

I stood & watched & just happened to mention that after the first two times your pissed off enough to destory your debit cards, your bank will start charging you to replace them. We just kinda laughed & I went on. I'm amused because I've done this on numerous occasions in the past. Not really sure why but at the time it sounded like a good idea. It was always fun to go into the bank to have it replaced. Especially the Compass off of I-20 In Arlington because those people suck!

I've never claimed to be the most sane person but then again who is?!? I'm wondering if men do similiar things after they have fought with their wives about money or whatever? I think the display of commonly shared insanity is why talk shows & reality shows are popular. There are always people out there who are way more carzy than me. I'll talk a good crazy person over a normal one any day!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005 

There's always a silver lining...

Out of the funk & back to me... It's amazes me how the universe works sometimes! When I think I have a reason to be sad or unhappy or whatever, sometime happens to remind me that I'm so very lucky & blessed.

Over the weekend, I experienced one of the many joys of being a homeowner. Replacement! The hot water heater died & it wasn't a peaceful death as it had to flood the garage in the process.

A trip to Home Depot.... $342.00
A day of from work to clean out the garage...Cost of a vacation day
7.5 hours of cleaning & repacking from water damage... grueling
Taking a shower with hot water after not being able to bathe for 2 days... Priceless!

There's always an upside!

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