
Tuesday, November 30, 2004 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

This years has flown by for me that I can't believe that it's almost 2005. We've made it through the thanksgiving holidays which was nice, however my family is so spread out that I didn't see most of them. I have a brother in New York, sister in LA & a brother & sister here with parents in Northern California.

The last time my entire family was together was for Christmas in 1991. There have been other times since then that most of us have gotten together but not everyone. I have to admit that I'm rather envious of people whose family members live relatively close together. However, I also have friends that might as well be family. You guys know who you are I love you dearly!

Moving right along... I really want the new U2 Ipod. Thinking about buying for myself as either a birthday or Christmas present. Anyone heard if it's really as cool as I want it to be or not? Bought the new CD & I love, love, love! There are some bands that love & will always love. No matter how old & fat Robert Smith gets, the Cure will always be my fave as will U2.

What else going on? Working on getting a new job, so that I get myself outta my current work funk. I'm supposed to find out sometime today when my second interview is for a job that I think I really, really, really want, so wish me luck.

Also, I'm thinking that I need a dog but I'm not sure what I want. More than likely, will head to the shelters as I'm convinced that mutts and rescue dogs make the best pets in the world. I really want a puppy so it will grow up with my cat, Sabine & be ok with her. She's a freak when it comes to anything larger than her, so she needs something her size or smaller at first.

I'm feeling great but can't seem to get rid of the cough that I've had for two weeks now. Other than that I'm done for today. I know I'm not posting religiously enough for most of you guys & I promise to work on that!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 

Last day of work before a holiday!!!!

I'm feeling soooo much better, thanks for all the well wishes & offers to sell yourselves for cheese! The down side is that I do not a voice at all. It's gone, I don't know where it went or when it will be back but it's gone!

Monday, November 22, 2004 

Ranting about everything and nothing

I've come to the conclusion that the key to any successful relationship has to be vowing to put up with each other and each others crap. (I have no idea if this is a moment of lunacy from od'ing on cold,cough,and flu meds or lucidity. Remember this is one of many of my own crazy thoughts). I think if you are blessed enough to find someone that makes you laugh, smile, and makes you happy that's what matters and you're luckier than most people.

We have these ideas about what relationships should be and sometimes end up losing our souls to become the idea only to find that we're not happy and this idea is not what you want or need. I think there are infinite people out there for each and every person and you just have to connect with them at the right time or reconnect, whatever the case may be. Not that that was ever the ultimate goal for me or any of the chicas that I hang with.

I was never one of those girls who wanted to get married and have kids, quite the opposite, indeed. However, I met someone, fell in love, got married and then our life became about everything else & we grew apart. He's a great guy & I wish only a happy life, love and lots of laughter. He happens to be one of my best friends today even though we ended up in divorce. Later ended up reconnecting with someone I dated in high school & eventually got back together & are now. He's awesome for putting up with my ass as all of my friends are! (I'm high end to put up with, cranky at times, fickle, demanding, opinionated, caddy, snarky, strong willed, independent and want everything yesterday and my way... I know, I'm trying)

I'm turning 31 next month, which sucks! Why do I dread that number because 30 so wasn't bad. The difference from being 30 and 30something or in your 30's is vast & kinda freaks me out. Why do we go through cycles and wonder why are we are where we are instead of some elusive idea or dream that we had for ourselves before? Why is getting older not celebrated as we celebrated the 14 & 1/2 birthday? I've come to the conclusions that 30's will be cool. A time to grow into my own skin & embrace how I am & what I am more than ever! I know... It's a self indulgent rant!


I'm such a pain in the ass!

Day 4 of being sick and counting. I gotta give mad props to my most amazing boyfriend, Scott, for putting up with my cranky ass for the last 4 days! Being sick has made me realize what a pain in the ass I am. It hasn't been a pretty sight as I've been sleeping on the sofa & asking for everything under the sun. I know most of you are asking, this is different from you any other day?!? I admit that for the most part, it's all about me, however it's that to the extreme right now!!!

If I could just stop coughing I would feel so much better!!! Any over the counter meds that anyone loves & swears by? I've tried, Aleve cold & Sinus, Tylenol Cold and Sever Congestion and Robitussin Cold, Cough and Flu. I think Scott is hiding the meds, so I don't OD on otc meds. Anyone wanting to give a sista a shout out would be most welcomed! I'm outta work and going home to go to bed, now! See ya later!

Friday, November 19, 2004 

I Hate Being Sick!

Ok, I know my voice has been silent for over a week now but I feel like crap. I think I'm getting the flu or something equally as nasty which is par for the course this time of year. Since college, I almost always get sick over thanksgiving, Christmas or sometimes both!

A few days ago, I spent an evening hanging with the little people in my life, 3 neices & one nephew, who all happened to have the flu. I think the munchkins have passed yucky germs. I'm currently at work and just want to go home & go to sleep! Everyone else, have a great weekend & a drink for me.

Thursday, November 11, 2004 

Better Living Through Chemistry?

This week is so be wreaking havoc on my state of mind, as everyone around me seems to have major doses of drama-rama going on! Serious crap everywhere & it's really beginning to get to me. Help! One of my friends has suggested a visit to the doctor for medication. Not exactly sure how I feel about the idea of needing drugs to make my brain not hurt & to deal? Btw, not the kinda drugs that were a part of the scene back in the day. Nothing that I once considered fun, just so were clear!

Moving right along, I haven't accomplished anything at work this week, which is stressing me out as I seem to live her from Septemeber until the end of January and then it's time to breath. Our network has been up and down for the last week and is causing delays for everything. Not a happy time here either.

Aside from that, I'm trying to deal and be the happy person that I consider myself, most of the time. Quite a few people have posted about what they have been called at one time or another. Sadly, most of the time, I am described at sweet or the really happy girl that irritates everyone because she is always in a good mood. I think karma is a be-ach this week or month and paying me back, at least for the present time.

On a happier note, it's almost the weekend & I can't wait. I'm such a boring girl these days as it makes me way to happy to do dinner and a movie. So boring but it makes me happy, so that's what matters. Any of the Tulsa peops reading this should call me so we can meet for dinner/drinks at the Bowery. I know, it's not the old Bowery that was the frat hangout. It's been redone & is new and improved. Love, love, love it!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004 


Just testing new Comments

Monday, November 08, 2004 

Reality Sets In....

I hate Mondays! Back at work and back to normal life. I went to Dallas this weekend to visit friends, one in particular & they know who they are! Feel compelled to add that I drove 9 freaking hours to spend sometime with that person to wish them well which didn't go so well. Such is life...

On a happier note, I had a fabulous time hanging with Bunny, Jana, Monketo & Mark! Love you guys & it gives me warm fuzzies to spend time w/you all! For whatever reason, I have gone into taking stock of my life and what's important mode. Sadly, I'm all warm and fuzzy. It's a love fest, so if you hear from me in the next few days that's why. Such a cliche but when something horrible happens around you, it forces you to do the self examination thing, which is great but sadly cliche.

That's all I got other than a few 3rd Eye Blind songs running through my head! Peace Out...

Friday, November 05, 2004 

Another Day in Paradise...

Today has been a suck-ass day in general. I have no idea why but for whatever reason I have rather enjoyed saying ass today. No talent ass-clown is still my favorite! I love office space! Today has been completely unproductive day at work. Our email servers have been down for about 28 hours & counting, so I havent accomplished anything. Not that I'm complaining as it's Friday & it seems like the perfect day of the week to slack off... :-)

Leaving from here to drive from Tulsa to Dallas to visit a friend, actually to see quite a few old friends this weekend, so I'm looking foward to that. Being there but not the drive, as it's a slow 4 & 1/2 hours from Tulsa to Dallas.

Zero, you ripped on my comments & hopefully will fix them for me, as I am a no-talent ass clown in the techno department. Yeah, I got to use it again! Anyhoo... I'm beginning to ramble, so I will wish all a happy weekend...

Fun times & Boat drinks for all!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004 

Nothing to say....

Uhm... My mom would so not be proud... Everyone else and their dog seems to have started doing this & I'm just following along. Should be interesting to see what I actually post.

Anyway, I'm a blog virgin & this is my first post. Welcome to my world!

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  • From Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
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