
Thursday, December 30, 2004 

Sick Again...

I must apologize for not posting this past week. I have been chastized for the silence & offer sincere apologies. Between 12-14 hour days at work this week being sick, I've had no time or energy to contemplate my universe. However, I'm beginning to feel better & will be back in full form over the next few days! Until then, Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 23, 2004 

Back in the day....

While Christmas shopping a few nights ago, Scott & I were talking about how different the vibe is for kids growing up in Tulsa today, than when we were young. I know, it makes me sound old but back in the day, we didn't have that many places to go & see live local bands & concerts were almost non-existent in our city. Talked about seein our first NIN show at the Cains or going to see KMFDM at various locations & IKON, back in the day.

Bunny mentioned that Tulsa kinda reminded her of Austin but I said it's not nearly as cool but it makes me happy there is actually a scene now & that downtown is being revitalization & turning into something other than a grave yard from the oil boom. I guess there was always a scene & my peops just happened to be the one's who were a little less in the mainstream, which is still very much true today. Makes me sad sometimes to see people that I once thought were cool totally assimilated to rest of the world.

I've been going through old pics as I'm digging stuff out for the ex to borrow & make copies of & it's so funny to see some of the old peops with blue, green or purple hair. I have been known to have purple or Burgundy hair from time to time & still do the burgundy thing, quite well, if I say so myself. It's also funny to see what the skater guys wore back in the day being sold at Hot Topic. Funny but in a good way, I guess. Depends on how you look at it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 

On a road to no where...

The weekend is over & I'm finally starting to get back into work mode, even though I really don't want to be here right now. I was out 'till around midnight looking for a freaking Easy Bake oven for Scott's daughter. Oh my freaking god, every store I went to happend to be out of them. One of the target guys gave me a hard time about who waits until the week of christmas to buy their kids presents & I found myself defending my honour because I've waited to shop for Christmas presents!

It's so crazy at all the malls in town right now but I'm really not bitching. REAlly, I'm not.
However, if anyone knows where to find an Easy Bake oven in Tulsa, please let me know. I still need to purchase that & a light brite. Ever notice that toys are way cooler than they used to be?

Bunny was in town for the weekend, which was fun. She received the grand tour of Tulsa, which leads me to believe that I may have a career as a professional tour guide, later in life. Actually, Josh, if you ever read this call me, we should so do a haunted tour of Tulsa. Not that many people would go or that we could make any money but hey, it would be fun.

Got sucked into watching Donnie Darko, which as I think about it, I'm starting to like more and more. I totally ripped on Bunny & Dead bunny for loving it, yet it's really growing on me. Need to watch it again....

Going to go play around with orbitz & other travel websites, as I was just informed that I need to have my vacation requests for 2005 turned in by the 14th of next month. Hate doing this because I'm so not Martha Stewart & have no idea when I want to take off or where I want to go. As god as I witness, we're going to Europe sometime next year because I so want to go on a real vacation again. Sorry but that was my Scarlett moment.

Friday, December 17, 2004 

How do you get anywhere?

I get my car back today, yeah! Just head from the service gu-ru's @ the Volkswagen dealership to let me know that my car is ready for pick up! I'm elated but embarassed at the same time at my dependy on my automobile! If I lived in a city that had viable forms of mass transportation, I would totally use it, as I love people watching. Notta better place for it, than on a subway!

My radio stopped working a few weeks ago, so I finally took my car in yesterday. They called me around 4:00 to tell me that the co-ax cable was non-existent & my reply was, "I didn't do anything to it." They service advisor said, "huh, I'm going to go back & talk to the tech & call you back". About an hour later they called & said it was a good news/bad news situation. The good news was they found the co-ax the bad news was that either the co-ax, antenna, radio unit or cd player were all bad or a combination of any of them. I asked what they were going to do & his reply was keep your car over night & think about it. I kid you not....

Just gotta call that they didn't really know what was wrong with the electrical stuff, so they just replaced all three things, co-ax, antenaa & the entire stereo. I'm happy somewhat but worried too because my car is only 2 years old & funky electrical things have gone wrong. Granted it's all been free to fix because it's under warranty but still... My cost would have been around $2,000, if I had to pay, however it's free, so I'm happy!

Aside from that, Bunny is driving up for the weekend, so that should be fun. Will be giving her the tour of Tulsa over the weekend. Other than that, I really should get back to work!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 

A quiz so Amy won't kill me, buffy style

More Than You Ever Really Wanted To Know (Copied from Amy)

Three names you go by:
Care Bear
CMoore (It evolved because I hate signing my full name at work, so everyone picked it up)

Three things you like about yourself:

Three things you hate/dislike about yourself:
Overly Sensitive
Lazy at times
Too Judgemental of people sometimes

Three parts of your heritage:
Native American (Cherokee like every other white girl with blue eyes)

Three things that scare you:
Heights (If I'm enclosed, I'm fine)
Things I can't control, like losing loved ones

Three of your everyday essentials:
keeping in touch with friends & family
Vegging with no phone calls (get enough at work everyday!)

Three things you are wearing right now:
Silver Charm Braclet
Black Sweater
Black Mary Janes

Three of your favorite bands/artists: I'm old school
The Cure (Like there was any question)

Three of your favorite songs at present or all time:
Laid - by James (all time fave that is tied with) It's the end of the world - REM
Just like Heaven - by the Cure
With or w/out you - U2

Three new things you want to try in the next 12 months:
losing weight not so much as getting healthy
Going on an actual vacation again
Becoming a grown-up by becoming a homeowner

Three things you want in a relationship (love is a given):
Compromise (most important)

Two truths and a lie:
Trust me
I love you
I don't have any gum

Three physical things about the opposite sex (or same) that appeal to you*:
Style but not in fashion either

Three things you just can't do:
Follow a diet
Call people back when I say I will
Keep my laundry from piling up

Three of your favorite hobbies:

Three things you want to do really badly right now:
Go shopping (for myself)
Go home & take a nap under very warm blankets
Spend a sick day with friends

Three careers you're considering:
Professional Student (kidding)
Teaching but only at the college level
Opening a Three Dog Bakery (love dogs & love baking)

Three places you want to go on vacation:
New Zealand
Italy (again)

Three kids names:
Boys: Girls:
Griffin Grace
Gabe Emma
Xander Sidney

Three things you want to do before you die:
Live with no regrets
Be happy and know that I am blessed each & everyday
So mmany more than just 3 to name!

Three people who have to take this quiz now or die painfully:

Monday, December 13, 2004 

Taking the easy way out...

Today has been crazy so I don't have a whole lot of time, so I'm taking the low road today. Posting questions from email chain...

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:15, to be at work by 8:30ish

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds if it's between the two but I'm really not that into jewelry except silver stuff

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? National Treasure (sorry for coughing through the whole thing -Robn & Scott)

4. What is your favorite TV show? Law and Order followed by Alias, Charmed, Angel & Buffy

5. What did you have for breakfast? A coke & a smile

6. What is your nickname? Care and/or Care-Bear

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian I could so live in Italy & be happy

8. What foods do you dislike? Notta big fan of red meat

9. What is your favorite smell? After the rain or in the winter when someone is burning pinion

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? At the moment, it's the new U2 cd. I love it!

11. What kind of car do you drive? Volkswagen Jetta, which I love! Would love to have an older bug or Gia later.

12. Favorite sandwich? Grilled cheese

13. What characteristics do you despise? Totally have to agree with Kim here, Backstabbing, condescending, and manipulative. Hate people who have to pose to be something other than who they are.

14. Favorite item of clothing? Oversized Fossil sweatshirt that's so worn out but I love. (Scotti, I still would love to get back, eventually)

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? I would love to hang out in New Zealand, Africa & Japan. Would love to go back to Scotland too. It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen. I've Gone lots of other places, so these would be cool.

16. What color is your bathroom? Burgundy tiles w/pumpkiny walls that I've intended to faux. Was planning on doing a Mexican theme but will be moving soon, so not doing anything else.

17. What are you reading right now? Currently reading, "The Devil Wears Prada". I know, it's not insightful or anything but if you have a boss from hell, it's enjoyable. Also some Dr. Phil stuff which I won't mention here. :-) I can admit that I have issues! :-)

18. Where would you retire to? Wherever my friends/family are. Hopefully somewhere near the ocean.

19. Favorite time of day? Night. I'm way more of a nightime person

20. What was your most memorable birthday? My 23rd birthday, as my friends had a huge surprise party for me.

21. Where were you born? Tulsa, Ok.

22. Favorite sport to watch? Baseball or Hockey.

23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Albert

24. Person you expect to send back first? Scotti

25. What brand of laundry detergent do you use? Cheer or Tide

26. Coke or Pepsi? Coke, especially frozen coke from 7-11 during the summer

27. Are you a morning person or night owl? Night Owl

28. What is your shoe size? 8.5, I know, huge feet for a girl

29. Do you have any pets? Yes, cat named, Sabine. Also have joint custody of two dogs that I never see anymore, Mira & Luna. About to get a puppy for myself for Christmas. I'm such a dog person.

Friday, December 10, 2004 

John Mayer and such

Through the miracle of tivo, I caught the John Mayer show lastnight & loved it. I'm a huge John Mayer fan because I love, love, love his voice. I dragged the b-friend to one of his shows earlier this year. I think he was really surprised & is now a convert.

You know you're getting older when you watch more Vh1 than Mtv! Too bad that it was just a one time thing from VH1 but it made me very happy. After that, I shamelessly admit that I caught the Sunday night episode of Viva La Bam, also through the miracle of tivo. I love Bam, so I watch it, even though it's totally stupid, most of the time.

Bam is a such a cutie. I think he also reminds me of the kinda guys that I crushed on when I was younger. Always had a thing for the skater boys. One in particular, who happens to be the b-friend. :-) When I was in high school, my line, had I had one would have been, You look like trouble, wanna go out?!? I have 3 nieces & one of them seems to be so much like me, it's scary. She's only 11 and all about boys, which is freaky to me because I was like 15 before I ever noticed them. Strange to me...

Happy, happy, happy that it's Friday. Going out tomorrow night to celebrate Robn or Dead Bunny & my birthdays. Not sure where we're going but I'm sure we'll end up at the Bowery at some point to give props to our friends. If you haven't gone, it's great food & great drinks with an really cool vibe. Steve Lidell, who is a local musician, plays there on the weekends & he's amazing, so go check it out. Also, the circle cinema recently reopened their doors, @ Admiral & Lewis. Their latest movie is an rockumentary about the music industry, mainly about Dig & the Dandy Warhols, so Iwant to go check it out sometime soon.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004 

Happy Birthday To Me!

More shameless promotion of myself! It's my birthday & I'm singing happy birthday to myself while typing. I have a great self image or it could have something to do with the fact that I'm the youngest of five children & may be a little spoiled. Could be both? I really think there is something to birth order theories.

Anyway, I digress. I'm 31 today & very happy about it! Not exactly loving the idea that I'm now 30'something or in my 30's but nonetheless, I'm happy and thankful! So, happy birthday to me & anyone else that shares my day!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004 

I'm blessed

Nothing really exciting happening right now to blog about. I'm happy & just feel very lucky & very blessed. I have friends and family that are near & far, who I love and adore. I'm just happy today!

Monday, December 06, 2004 

You say it's your birthday...

Hola! I so suck at keeping this up to date, as I suck at keeping in touch with people. If I've said that I would call you & haven't yet, please don't take it personally! However, if your in town this weekend & you happen to be one of my friends then plan on going out Saturday night to observe December B-Days! Actually, Robn & I are the only people I know with December birthdays & everyone gets so busy with Christmas that we need to go out & celebrate our b-days!

R-like how I make plans for you?!? Sorry, but your the Christmas Eve baby & that's just too long to wait. Let me know if your in & spread the word that it's time for yearly get together of the old school peops.

I'm turning 31 & very excited about it! Also beginning to think about what positive changes need to occur in my 30's to maintain the happy way of life that I've come to know & love.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004 

Shameless Promotion of Myself

My birthday is one week from today, people! Hint, Hint, Hint! You would think that I'm an only child but not the case. I'm the youngest of 5 total, actually the youngest of 3 & then again the youngest of 3 on another side, so there are 5 of us in total. Having your birthday in December always sucked ass because it's entirely too close to Christmas for anyone to care.

Nothing much to mention today. I'm so not inspired about anything today & just really happy that this week seems to be moving at a rapid pace. All I really want to do right now is vege out & go to a movie. I want to see Alexander, even if the reviews have been less than stellar. Anyone gone & like it? I gotta admit the idea of Colin Farrell & Jared Letto making out is hot! Will see it for that reason alone!

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