
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 

Do Friends Really Need A Place To Crash?

Being the nice hostess that my mom raised to be I've been looking at sleeper sofas & love seats for the last few days. Why? Mainly because I need a piece of furniture to go in the office & also because people may need a place to crash. Why do I think like this?

Since I've been an adult which I gauge occured sometime around 25, I've always had an extra room for people to crash or to use for their room, if they were lucky enough to be one of our Kato House Guests. Acutally, there were only 3 people who can truly be called a Kato & one of those happened to be a repeat performer. Love them all nearly & dearly even if I did pack their shit & put it outside at one point in time or throw a phone at thier head. :-) I'm such a bitch at times, I know but what can I say? I offer no apologies.

Moving right along, I'm thinking of buying a sleeper sofa or loveseat as it's for an office. Any suggestions on where to find something that's not too expensive or to cheesy looking either? Even though, Oklahoma & Texas aren't technically considered to be Southern States, those of us who grow up in this region like to think we have Southern Hospitality.

Friday, June 10, 2005 

Finally the weekend...

I'm sooo happy this is Friday.... This weekend, the Abyss that I work for is having a company picnic on Saturday at an amusement park. I'm never volunteering to help plan anything again because people are driving me crazy trying to score more tickets for other family members & friends. Why is it, the only thing the guys care about is what kinda food is being catered? Nothing much going on right now, which isn't necessarily a bad thing in my world.

Thursday, June 09, 2005 

No time for love, Dr. Jones...

Haven't posted in forever in a day because I've just been in a really weird place. I go through these phases where I just want to change everything about my life. It's really weird because sometimes I'm completley happy & love everyone & eveyrthing & then other times, I'm flipped-flpped & am totally wanting a change. No, I'm not crazy & that doesn't necessarily mean that I need to find better living through chemisty. However, it does sound like a great idea at times. If I've blown you off or dissed you lately, it's totally not to intentionally be a be-ach. sometimes it just happens & that's the way it is.

I made an offer to buy my own little whole in the wall but haven't heard anything yet, which is driving me a little insane. Patient is not a word that describes me so I start looking at other alternative choices tonight. Just need to find a place to plant my ass, at least for a little while. Doesn't mean your a grown up when you start thinking about the tax advantages to buying as opposed to renting?!?

Right now, I'm totally going through the want a new car-itis. It's an illness that I'm trying to treat. My car is a 2003 Volkswagen Jetta 1.8T. I think it's cute & that's about it. It's beginning to sound like crap. Recently, it's started to make creaking & squeaking sound sounds whenever you're driving around, especially if you're turning. Crap inside is beginning to rattle & it makes me sad because there are all these people who love thier VW's & I'm not one of them! My car has had to have the entire sound system replaced a portion of the electrical system. Not boding well for keeping the Jetta. I'm really wanting a Nissan Ultima these days but I have to wait... What is it like to not have a car payemnt? I don't know if I'll ever know...

I need caffeine & must go to the buck now for a tasty beverage... Time for a frappacino. Anyone in Tulsa need to check out a new coffe house in the plaza @ 81st & Lewis. They have amazing drinks & all of the artwork has been done in expresso. It's way cool...

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